Santina Haywood

A headshot of Santina. She is smiling and wearing a blue sweatshirt with a yellow headband..
OfficeBldg. 7 Rm: 113
Dept.Access Services


Santina Haywood hails from Springfield, Massachusetts, the birthplace of basketball, Milton Bradley Company and Dr. Seuss. She supported special needs children for over 20 years and special needs adults for 5 years. Her background is full of volunteer commitments and service to her community in many roles and she has been an advocate for fostering independence and equality for students with disabilities in the public-school system. She moved to Tacoma, Washington in 2019 and is currently the Program Assistant and Assistant to the Assistive Technology Coordinator in the Access Services office at Tacoma Community College. Santina loves music, comedies and to be surrounded by her family, which consists of 10 brothers, 2 sisters, 5 nephews, 2 nieces and her son.

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